Getting the least amount for your home.

Getting the least amount for your home.

  • Christine Hancock
  • 10/28/23

"I want to list low and get the least amount of money when I sell my home. Said no seller, ever!

But getting the least amount of money is the chance you take when you overprice your home.

It's very hard to make up for the excitement of a brand-new listing. Lowering the price never does it.

The buyers who saw the listing when it came on the market, and passed it by as 'overpriced' are not coming back.

By the time you lower the price, they have most likely found something else. Or it has sat on the market so long that they assume something is wrong with the home.

Let's work together to price your home to attract the most interest. Then get a contract, and move into your new dream home!


Work With Christine

I strive to provide a stress-free transaction from the moment I meet to review over your unique needs and desires to the moment you close. I hope to become a trusted resource for all your real estate needs and referrals.

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